Kate Foale

Photo of Kate

County Councillor for Beeston Central and Rylands

Working With You

I listen, and then work tirelessly for the things that matter to you.

Since my election in 2013, I've worked with community groups and residents to make our area a better place to live and work.

I love to hear your thoughts and concerns by e-mail or phone, and I can come visit you when it is safe to do so.

As long as I am your elected representative I promise I will continue to listen, work hard, and do the very best I can to help you.

About me

I am a Warwick University graduate, married with a grown up child. I have had a varied career including lecturing and voluntary sector management. My most recent work was at Nottinghamshire County Council working directly with small businesses to help them towards a sustainable future.

I have been a school governor since 1992 and use my experience as Chair in primary and secondary schools to work with Governors in schools facing challenges. I mentor Chairs new to the role including the (then) newly appointed Chair of Governors at Chilwell School where I am now a governor. We were delighted to get a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted in 2015.

As well as being a Beeston Councillor I am Deputy Leader of the main opposition party at Nottinghamshire County Council and in this role I have been able to understand much more about the way the whole Council works at a strategic level. When first elected in 2013 I was Lead member for Children’s Social Care for the County where I learnt in depth about the huge breadth of our childrens’ services offer.

I am delighted to be standing again to be your County Councillor in May. The Beeston community is a joy to represent; your fantastic support to residents during the pandemic shows not only that you are prepared to put in the hard work but also that you have real care and compassion for your neighbours.

Connect with me

What I'm working on

Fighting for Families, Children, and Young People

Since 2012 I've been a National Leader of Governance, working directly with governors facing big challenges in their schools. I've got over 20 years experience as a Chair of Governors in primary and secondary schools and am currently a governor of Chilwell School, recently given a ‘good’ rating by Ofsted and the Trent Rylands Federation School, also an Ofsted rated ‘good’ school.

Your continued support makes a great difference to how we allocate additional provision to children, they are very lucky to keep receiving improvements to their environment. You are a true friend of the school. Headteacher of a Beeston School

I also sit on the management committee of the Beeston Youth and Community Centre, offering support to our wonderful youth workers. Last year I met youth workers based at the BYCC with Paddy Tipping to hear about their early intervention work with young people to reduce crime.

A photo of Kate with Paddy Tipping and Janet Patrick in front of a canal, taken near Canalside Heritage Centre

Beeston Community Resource Centre

One of my proudest achievements as a County Councillor has been to work with Beeston Community Resource to enable them to make a wonderful job of creating a great community hub.

Thank you Kate on behalf of everyone at BCR, for your unswerving support of our enterprise from our first request late in 2014 to be allowed to manage the Centre. The Centre is thriving and able to provide support and facilities to a wide range of individuals and community bodies. Your engagement and advocacy has been of crucial importance to our progress’ I would love to continue to support BCR and to work with other groups in Beeston; I have several currently in the pipeline. Graham Machin, Chair of Beeston Community Resource
Kate outside Middle St Resource Centre

Supporting the most vulnerable

There is a human cost when services to vulnerable people are not properly funded. I have seen first-hand as Lead Member for Social care how Nottinghamshire County Council social care staff work day in day out caring for Nottinghamshire people. I actively support their work, fight to protect the social care budget and signpost residents to help whenever they need it.

Kate this is a remarkable service and we are delighted by the prompt help and support we received. Linda (local resident, giving feedback for the Handy Adaption Service)

Public transport links

Bus services have been under threat due to severe budget cuts from central government, so I was delighted to be able to persuade Notts County Council to re-route the 510 bus to take in Long Lane.

I could not have done it without your support. Thank you!

Canalside Heritage Centre

The Canalside Heritage Centre is part funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund: I have supported successful funding bids to the County Council to further develop this lovely community asset. I am a proud supporter both as a trustee, helping with strategic planning and governance, checking out the delicious cake and giving some hands on help for the wonderful staff and volunteers.


A photo of Kate running a plant stall at Canalside Heritage Centre

Improving facilities for our children

On a visit to County Hall, pupils at Rylands Junior School asked me if the play equipment at Leyton Crescent could be refurbished. I started to look for sources of funding and engaged the wonderful Rylander community in supporting the childrens request. I am pleased to report that we were successful in our bid to the County Councils Communities Fund.

Many, many thanks for your support, your response was overwhelming; thanks especially to Cat Fairbrother, Jackie Moss and the Rylands School Council and Chris Riley at Broxtowe Borough.

Not only is Kate our local councillor but she also sits on the boards of a number of local charities as a Trustee. She is hardworking, committed and has a breadth of local knowledge. She contributes not just with ideas and knowledge but is willing to help out with practical tasks. I will definitely be voting for her again. Rosie Hepple, Beeston resident
At Leyton Crescent school

Let me know how I can help

I am always happy to hear your thoughts and concerns by e-mail or phone, or I can come visit you when it is safe to do so. As long as I am your elected representative I promise I will continue to listen, work hard, and do the very best I can to help you.

Email: kate@thefoales.net Phone: 07917 028645
Message me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter

Photo of Steve and Kate at the VAB sale